Lupin Coffee: The Best Alternative For A Conventional Brew

It doesn't always have to be actual coffee. How I discovered lupin coffee as an ingenious alternative for bean coffee.

Mild, nutty or full-bodied: Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in Switzerland. According to "Swiss Fair Trade", we drink around three cups per capita per day. It's not just the Swiss who are crazy about this stimulant. Coffee is even the most drunk beverage in the world - especially in the west. But demand is also rising steadily in the producing countries.

As much as I like the taste of the black brew, coffee always gives me palpitations, headaches, sweating, fidgeting and indigestion. Not bueno! And definitely not worth the taste. So, an alternative had to be found that would not send me to the toilet several times in a row. Grain coffee made from rye and barley is particularly widespread and well-known. However, as I am very susceptible to gluten-containing foods due to my migraines, this was not an option either. Then, by chance, I came across something even better in the wide world of Google: lupin coffee.

Roasted gems

Lupins belong to legumes - just like beans, lentils or chickpeas. They do not contain gluten and are rich in calcium, protein, minerals and fibre. Lupine seeds can be processed into flour, yoghurt, spreads or coffee.

Lupin coffee is made from roasted lupin beans. Roasting gives the beans their characteristic aroma and flavour. Depending on the degree of roasting, different nuances in taste can be produced, similar to the roasting of coffee beans.

The roasted lupine beans are ground to produce the powder that is used to make lupine coffee. The ground lupin powder can be made in a coffee maker, French press or other coffee maker just like traditional coffee. I personally use this coffee maker with permanent coffee filter from Bodum and the Kornkreis Café Pino lupine coffee.

Is lupin coffee also healthier?

Lupin coffee and bean coffee are different in many ways, both in terms of their ingredients and their potential health effects. However, it is important to note that 'healthier' is a complex and subjective assessment that depends on several factors, including individual health goals, preferences and needs.

Lupin coffee is caffeine-free, while bean-to-cup coffee contains varying amounts of caffeine depending on the preparation method and type of coffee. If you want to avoid caffeine or, like me, are sensitive to it, lupin coffee could be a suitable alternative.

Because lupins are legumes, they can cause allergic reactions in some people, especially those allergic to peanuts or soy. Bean coffee, on the other hand, is not usually associated with allergic reactions.

The latter also contains naturally occurring antioxidants such as chlorogenic acid, which have been linked to various health benefits. The exact antioxidant content of lupin coffee can vary.

Lupins may also contain dietary fibre, which can have a positive effect on digestion. Bean coffee does not contain any significant dietary fibre.

A clear winner in terms of taste

It is important to note that there are limited scientific studies that specifically address the health effects of lupin coffee.

The health advantages or disadvantages also depend on individual factors, such as existing health conditions, dietary habits and personal preferences. For me, lupin coffee is convincing all along the line.